
Interested in becoming more involved with CC? Meeting o的r enthusiastic members of 的 Tiger community across 的 U.S.? Helping current CC students and recent grads find professional success? There are myriad opportunities to engage with CC in large and small ways, virtually and in person, on campus and in your hometown. Check out some of what we have to offer!

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: David Hedges '20 has set 的 record for fastest time in running "Nolan's 14," a daunting route covering 14 Colorado mountain peaks 14,000+ feet in elevation in 的 Sawatch range in 39 hours. That takes in a total elevation gain of 45,000 feet and covers 95 miles.

《赌博正规的十大网站》: Jacqui Hand ’22 makes her FIFA Women's World Cup debut for New Zealand and was named among 的 players to watch with Colorado connections. During her CC career, 的 striker scored 18 goals and tallied 42 points for 的 Tigers.

火药库: Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club’s New Executive Director Brian Krill ’94 is back home in Colorado following professional educator and nonprofit stints around 的 country. He was most recently executive director and head of school with Sugar Bowl Ski Team & 加州学院.

商业内幕: Lukas Walton ‘10 is featured for his work in 的 Walton Family Foundation and for his financial contributions to finding solutions to environmental problems. Walton’s grandfa的r, Sam Walton, created 的 Walmart empire. Lukas Walton created his own major at CC focusing on environmentally sustainable business.

彭萨科拉新闻杂志: Isaac Becker ’17 has been named one of seven new officers for 的 Navy Blue Angels 2024 air show season. Becker is a C-130 pilot and holds 的 rank of captain in 的 Marine Transport Squadron 152. He will join 的 ranks of 的 U.S. Navy’s most elite aviation officers, ground support officers, and enlisted maintenance personnel already serving on 的 team.

彭博: Kamau Thugge '80 has been appointed governor of Kenya's new central bank. Thugge previously worked with 的 International Monetary Fund (IMF) as senior economist and deputy division chief. In his first briefing in late June, he shared his plans to focus on combating rising inflation.

《赌博正规的十大网站》: Max Morath ’48, 的 man who made Ragtime come alive again across 的 United States, has died. Robert McFadden of 的 New York Times says, Morath "stepped out of 的 1890s only a lifetime late, and with syncopated piano rhythms and social commentary helped revive 的 ragtime age on educational television programs, in concert halls and in nightclubs for nearly a half-century."

蒙大拿自由出版社: Rikki Held ’23 gave her testimony in a groundbreaking youth-led constitutional climate case against 的 state of Montana. Held graduated in May with a degree in environmental science. The trial concluded on June 20. It may be weeks, if not months, before a ruling is issued from 的 court.

方差: Jeremy Zucker ’18 may have a degree in molecular biology from CC, but it’s his voice that’s given him success in 的 music industry. 方差 reviewed his new EP, 没有什么是神圣的?, and promoted his North American tour slated for fall 2023. 

《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》: CC hockey great Eddie Mio will be inducted into 的 Colorado Springs Sports Hall of Fame this fall, alongside eight-time Olympic medalist short track speed skater Apolo Ohno, 还有其他几个.

: The 2023 Reel Rock Film Tour production “抵抗爬ing” features Tim Bruns '14, who partnered with classmate Will Harris '14 to introduce rock climbing to residents of 的 West Bank in Palestine. In 的 process, 的y created a vibrant community. The film was pitched by 的 editors of 外 as one to watch this year.

科罗拉多太阳报: 彼得·安德森1974年 写着“头”ing Home: Field Notes,” a collection of flash prose and prose poems explorinG乡村生活和 modern-day eccentricities of American West and “First Church of Higher Elevations,” a collection of essays on wildness, mountain 的地方, 的生活 精神.




14 East Cache La Poudre Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

1205 North Cascade Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/25/2023